Happy Birthday, Happy Head, Happy thoughts

Vakratunda Mahakaya
Suryakoti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Mey Deva
Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada

Translation: The Lord with the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the magnificance of a Million suns, I pray to you Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform.

Today was Lord Ganesha's birthday so here's wishing him a very happy birthday :)  
Birthdays of Hindu deities are considered to be auspicious days so I managed to wake up by  10.30 am ( I usually wake up at 2pm these days simply cuz I have no clue what to do the entire day so I wake up directly in the afternoon :P ) and was all set to offer flowers to the cutest Hindu God by 11am. Not impressive at all I know but I somehow have never believed in idol worship. I find it illogical. Actually I was somewhere close to being an atheist but I became a believer due to my friends. My friends were staunch believers, visited temples, worshipped deities etc. Things weren't going well in my life so I was looking for something to cling onto and make things better and seeing my friends made me think twice about my beliefs and ideologies.

I still don't believe in rituals and all that jazz Hinduism is over brimming with. I believe in a Supreme Power that governs us, I believe in the projection of thoughts, I believe in a four letter word called Hope, I believe in Karma and I believe that everything around us is sheer energy. So i am a believer :)

Scientists have come up with 'String Theory' in the past which states that matter consists of one dimensional oscillating lines called strings. Oscillation means it has some kinetic energy associated with it. Hence proved we are nothing but sources of energy. We are sources of energy derived from an energy at a much higher level which we address as 'GOD'. So eventually it will boil down to the 'unification of the universe' as Einstein had proposed, the common link being 'energy'. 

Again this is my crazy logic. Just a fleeting thought. And this reminds me of the whole projection of thoughts subject. Call me crazy but I see Aastha channel at times to get a dose of spirituality. It's not like whatever they show there is amazing but I came across a Brahmakumari called Shivani. She has done her engineering but turned to spirituality at a very early age I guess. So in one of her interviews she talked about our projection of thoughts. She said that we human beings are like radiators. Whatever we think is projected by our aura. So basically it our 'sthiti' (state of mind) that causes our 'paristhiti' (situations). Dan Brown's book Lost Symbol mentions Noetic Science which is actually the projection of thoughts. Hindu mythology has stories of Tansen making it rain by singing the raaga associated with rains which is again talking about the power of thoughts. Such is the power of thoughts that our thoughts become who we are.

So now it boils down to a very simple thing. Positivity and negativity, black and white, yin and yang. I personally think humans are more like transceivers (a device which can both transmit and receiver). So you have positive thoughts, your aura transmits it to the world and the world is a better place. Harbour negative thoughts, your aura transmits it to the world, the world becomes darker than it already was. 
Now comes the vulnerable receiver part. You are receptive to both negative energy and positive energy. So it's your responsibility to filter out the negative energy at all times.
Since we are all sources of energy, it's on us whether we want to be a source of positive energy or negative energy. Nurturing jealousy, hatred, anger etc. will only downgrade our energy level so it's totally not worth the undue attention we tend to give it. 
Since as Hindus we have a variety of deities to select from, here's hoping our favourite God helps us have happy thoughts and sail smoothly through the epic journey called Life.the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the magnificance of a Million suns, I pray to you Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform.e Lord with the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the magnificance of a Million suns, I pray to you Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform.

3 Responses to Happy Birthday, Happy Head, Happy thoughts

  1. nice..my point of view is .. we are so damn busy with our daily work and evrythin that we actually forget n neglect that there is a supreme power which we always speak about.. its only when we visit temples or get a dose of spirituality, that we actually start noticing it once again.. n feel it for a change..but 1thing is sure we are so filled with positive energy after we do it.. n we are happy too..
    But seriously knowing that u watch Astha channel sumtimes to get a dose of spirituality..is nice.. n fun too.. u never seem that way though.. bt its nice…
    u r good writer n extremely good presenter of wat u have in mind..

  2. Nishita says:

    thank you for the kind words and i wonder why i never seemed that way..!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Liked the way you tried putting up your thoughts.Well everyone has got something they look up to.Maybe as a constant source of inspiration or something like that.In your case you seem to believe in d supreme power.So its nt true if we say you are a dis-believer or that sort of. But ya, random thoughts make u think...and in your case ...write too :) so keep thinking...!!

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