Archive for November 2011

The Kerala Chronicles

Thank you Abhishek Das for reminding me how lazy I have become that I stopped doing the one thing I love the most : Rambling. So this post is the result of your phone call. And always remember, I hate you like I love you and vice versa :P
So yeah let's say I am back with da-Bang and bucket loads of coconut oil :P
Confused about the coconut oil ? Don't be. My GPS co-ordinates say I have been living in Trivandrum for almost 2 months now and it's been a super crazy experience.
It all began with my quest for money just like everyone else so I sought shelter in the coconut tree dotted landscape of God's own country cuz that's where work was. All you can see here is green. And more green. And more green. So green. Finally your eyes get accustomed to everything green cuz it's humane to adapt afterall. Moreover according to me 'God's own country' is more of an hyperbolic expression. Just plain marketing strategies to boost income via tourism. But then I am more of a building person so I might be biased.

First Impressions. Lasting Impressions. But not in my case.
I hated this place initially cuz it was more of a parallel universe. No connection with the main land whatsoever.  No familiar faces, no familiar language, no familiar hoarding, no familiar music and the list goes on and on. So even the mere sound of Telegu songs suddenly became an exciting prospect.  Food is another tale in itself. The top 2 ingredients for any recipe here are coconut oil and beef. 
End Result: I was an annoying whiner. Drenched in self pity. Lonely. Love sick. (The weather here does that to you. Don't blame me :\)
But PRATIK, Calvin and Hobbes, The Secret and shit loads of self evaluation made me realize how important it is to find happiness in the happy moments life presents in front of you. Resisting change is a  person's biggest mistake whereas being able to go with the flow of life is a person's biggest strength. 

Current Sentiments :
Regular hamburgers, sausages, butter chicken, gobi parathas and lassi help my cause big time :P Weekends with amazing people just adds onto the euphoria. Work is fun. And now somehow living it up, creating and storing memories made me realize one thing :: Kerala somehow grows onto you and I might have fallen for this place already. Especially when it rains :)